
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving friends!!!  I love the whole concept of spending a whole day focusing entirely on the many things in our lives that we can be thankful for. Over here in the UK we don't officially celebrate this day, but I certainly celebrate the gratitude side of it. That is why I thought I'd kick this post off with a list of just some of the things I'm thankful for at the moment. 1. I'm thankful for my viewers and subscribers on my YouTube channel. I love them to pieces and they're an incredibly supportive bunch. I'm lucky to have them. 2. I'm thankful for my lovely kitty, Cinna. I like his little smiles that he does when he's sleepy and the adorable way he takes 5 hours to perfect his wiggle-butt routine before he pounces on his 'prey' (aka hair bobbles, toy mice, ribbons etc). 3. I'm thankful for my partner, who is happy (or at least supportive of) me buggering off to run half marathons, leaving him standing around in the cold, ca